Royal Worm (Mike Tauser) can be reached at

Friday, January 25, 2008

Feet, So Beautiful

"How beautiful are the feet that bring Good News" ... When I heard that verse(Romans 10:15), I almost always thought of the feet of Christians carrying the Good News of Jesus. I'm not sure exactly what was said or what I heard, but during a worship service a few weeks ago, something sparked the thought in my mind that there were some really beautiful that came before all other beautiful feet.

Feet, So Beautiful

Feet so Beautiful

Joy-filled from heel to toe

Step by step they bring Good News

For every one to know.

Sandal-clad, these feet walked many miles some years ago

From town to town, they trod

In time, their following did grow

Their road led to Jerusalem, they were raised up for our sin

These feet were buried in a tomb

Yet soon, they walked again!

Just look around and you’ll see feet with beauty shining through

Some barefoot ones, and others in

A multitude of shoes

These broken feet are filled with life, as they walk with THE TWO

The stink of them comes pouring out

In everything they do.

In spite of all the flaws, Lord, Let me walk with lovely feet

So my toes are a blessing to

The other TENS they meet

When they are walking, running and when they are fast asleep

Let my ankles, arches

Overflow with beauty deep

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sweet Piece of Cake

I am in the process of generating lyrics for the summer camp program at Camp Lone Star in LaGrange, Texas. The theme for the summer is BROUGHT NEAR based on Ephesians 2. Day 2 of the camp week is focusing on how God destroyed the barrier that separates us. Paul is the focus, specifically his conversion on the road to Damascus. Here is my imagining of Paul's comments on his own ministry and some of the treatment he received as a result of it.

Sweet Piece of Cake

I have been in danger from rivers
From thieves, from my countrymen
In danger form everybody
Time and time again

But I’d do it again in a minute
It’s been a piece of cake so sweet
If I boast, I will boast of my struggles
For they’ve been at Jesus’ feet.

In danger in the cities and countries
Many times I haven’t slept
I have been cold and hungry
For ya’ll I have wept..


I have been in prison so often
Been naked and left for dead
I’ve been beaten and lashed 40 times minus one
I’m black and blue from toe to head.
