Royal Worm (Mike Tauser) can be reached at

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Least of These

One of the most interesting pieces of literature that I came across during the holiday season was a book called WE WERE THERE by Eve Bunting. It is a children's story book that recounts the nativity in the eyes of all these animals that you don't usually see in a nativity story or for the most part in any story. Scorpion, Spider, snake, toad, cockroach. Suffice it to say the undesirable animals in the eyes of many. Anyhow, the following poem is inspired by that book.

The Least of These
I am just a spider
Who spins webs of deceit
Yet, the savior brought me near, me and my eight feet
I do not soar like SpiderMan, I'm often on the ground
While crawling on the dirt and trees
I hear the lovely sound

The least of these, the smallest ,
those who no one wants to see
All those who are unlovable
He loved them from the tree

I am a rat, a vermin
With a fairly longish tail
My list of friends is short, Yet Jesus loves me without fail
The sight of me makes many apt
To scream and run away
But I know He has brought me near
And promises to stay

I am a cock-a-roach and scurrying
Is what I do
Despite my fear, I know there's one
Who loves me through and through
I must admit a light switch
Causes me to run and hide
Yet I rejoice, He's brought me near
And stands right by my side.